The Curiosity Lab in Tel-Aviv University, Israel is looking for post-doctoral researchers in the areas of artificial intelligence, machine learning, human-robot interaction, cognitive and developmental psychology. The Curiosity Lab studies curiosity from computational, psychological and robotics perspectives. An ideal candidate will have the skill to advance the core computational science, engineer robust solutions, and will have the capability to lead, manage, and mentor talented graduate students as well as drive progress on critical projects for the group at large.
Current relevant projects include a joint MIT project of child-robot interaction and the study of curiosity and mindset from a computational and psychological perspectives. Candidates will be encouraged to develop their own projects along the lines of research of the lab.
All applicants must have a Ph.D. in a computational science field (e.g., AI, human-robot/computer interaction, machine learning, cognitive science or a relevant related field). Candidates must have a record of work in artificial intelligence (inclusive of machine learning), cognitive and/or developmental psychology, excellent management and writing skills, and the ability to work effectively within a diverse environment of researchers at our lab and with other sites.
Applicants should send a C.V. to Dr. Goren Gordon Selections will begin immediately.