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This is the sequence to get the full installaion to be compatible with the Curiosity LAB:


1. Create a folder for ALL the programs/installations.

We will call it %PYTHON_HOME%

2. Environment Variables

- system variables --> New... --> variable name = PYTHON_HOME, variable value = (directory)

3. Anaconda: Run "Anaconda2-2.5.0-Windows-x86_64.exe"

- Agree to the license

- In the path set it to: %PYTHON_HOME%\Anaconda

- Check both boxes

- Press Install (and wait...)

4. PyCharm: Run "pycharm-community-5.0.1.exe"

- In the path set it to: %PYTHON_HOME%\PyCharm Community Edition 5.0.1

- Create association to .py (check)

- Install (and wait...)

4. PyCharm, default interpreter: 

- Run PyCharm (icon or %PYTHON_HOME%\PyCharm Community Edition 5.0.1\bin\PyCharm.exe)

- File --> Default Settings --> Default Project --> Project Interpreter

- Project Intepreter ==> %PYTHON_HOME%\Anaconda\python.exe

- Apply

5. Packages: Create a new folder: %PYTHON_HOME%\packages

6. rospy:

- copy to %PYTHON_HOME%\packages

- extract "to here"

- copy "ros_root" to %PYTHON_HOME%

- system variables --> New... --> variable name = ROS_ROOT, variable value = %PYTHON_HOME%\ros_root\


7. PyCharm rospy projects:

- File --> Settings --> Project: --> Project structure

- +Add Content Root --> %PYTHON_HOME%\packages

- Mark as Sources

8. PyBrain:

- In Command console (cmd)

- In deployment\pybrain-master

- python install (wait ...)

9. Kivy:

- Follow the instructions here

10. PyCharm Kivy projects:

- File --> Settings --> Project: --> Project Interpreter

- Settings --> Add Local

- %PYTHON_HOME%\Kivy-1.9.0-py3.4-win32-x64\python.bat

11. pip

- In command prompt: >>python -m pip install --upgrade pip --force-reinstall

12. graphviz:

- In command prompt >> pip install graphviz

- Copy "graphviz-2.38" to %PYTHON_HOME%

- system variables --> Path --> Edit

- Add %PYTHON_HOME%\graphviz-2.38\release\bin

13. Git:

- Run "Git-2.6.3-64-bit.exe"

- Select destination location: %PYTHON_HOME%\Git

- Choose "Use Git from Windows Commanpd Prompt" (second radio button)

- All other things, use the default selections.

- (wait...)

14. Github & PyCharm

- Goto Settings (Ctrl + Alt + s)

- Version Control --> GitHub

- login:

- password (sent via email)

- Test --> Apply --> OK

- VCS --> Check out --> GitHub

- VCS --> Import into --> Share project on GitHub

15. Twisted:

- from cmd: >> pip install twisted

- Kivy and Twisted

16. PyBluez

- Go to 

- download the relevant .whl (python 35, according to your platform (win32/win64))

- from








- pybrain: GitHub --> pybrain_tests

- rospy: GitHub --> rospy_tests

- kivy: GitHub --> kivy_tests




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